

Hypnotherapy can be a very effective complimentary therapy to bring about a balance in your life by eliminating bad habits controlling phobias & fears, easing physical symptoms of pain.

Healing in a trance is one of the oldest medical arts (Hartlands medical & dental hypnosis – 3rd edition)

The trance state is experienced many times a day – when reading, listening to music, reminiscing. The Hypnotic trance is a natural, safe state of mind and although it is sometimes mistaken for the sleep state, it is an altered state of mind where the individual is usually aware of the experience.

Hypnosis allows communication with the subconscious part of the mind which can help facilitate change.

The first “getting to know each other” session involves me taking a full case history of the problematic condition and the negative effects it is having on your life. All this is 100% confidential.

You can ask me any relevant questions at this time.

When this part is complete, our session ends with a relaxing trance being induced with full assurance that you won’t do anything against your will or out of character (we will leave that to the stage acts). Self-hypnosis may be taught so that with practice you will immediately feel the benefit of hypnotherapy.

All subsequent sessions then deal with the condition causing the concern.

Most Common Treatable Conditions Are:

  • Weight loss
  • Smoking cessation
  • Anxiety issue
  • Confidence building
  • Phobias/fears
  • Insomnia
  • Panic attacks

What Is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is a common connection of two words-hypnosis and therapy. Hypnosis itself is not a treatment (apart from being relaxing), but is needed to perform the treatment (therapy). The purpose is to use the benefit of the altered state of awareness or trance state, where conscious and unconscious minds are communicating to aid therapy. The role of the hypnotherapist is to use their skills and make suggestions to help clients solve problems (physical or psychological) while in this trance state. Hypnotherapy means the use of hypnosis for the treatment and relief of a variety of somatic and psychological symptoms.

The expertise of the therapist is not so much how to hypnotise someone-that is relatively easy-it is how to make use of the trance state to resolve the client’s problem.

As a therapist I use counselling, psychotherapy and hypnosis to treat patients-hypnosis is a tool to aid the therapy.

A useful metaphor being  a door lock that is stuck, the door will not open. Intervention is needed, so a locksmith is brought in, with knowledge of that particular mechanism, to repair and open the door.

In the same way hypnosis is simply the few drops of oil that will make all the difference.

Hypnotherapy can be used to bring relief to existing conditions or to change areas where there are issues. The list of situations where is can aid in the individual is endless and is particularly effective for those who wish to take greater control-perhaps regain control-of some aspect of their life.

Certain issues are well known such as quitting smoking an for pain relief, but did you know that hypnotherapy can also be used to overcome a fear of public speaking, to improve performance on the playing field or even to prevent blushing?

Whether you’re seeking to overcome anxiety or depression, improve performance, lose weight, or beat an addiction, hypnotherapy can help you make positive changes you need to achieve your goals.

Briefly, here are the steps in a typical session. However please bear in mind that a “typical session” varies widely depending on the patient, their problem and which technique or approach used.

  1. You get acquainted with your hypnotherapist (me)
  2. Your hypnotherapist gathers information about you
  3. Trance is induced
  4. Trance is deepened
  5. The actual therapy takes place
  6. You are given post hypnotic suggestions
  7. You are given feel good suggestions
  8. You emerge from hypnosis

You may be given homework to help reinforce the therapy in between sessions.

The information gathering is very important, as I need to take a detailed assessment of your problem and put together a framework for action with a clear and realistic outcome for treatment using the right therapeutic approach. I will then use my skills and experience in combination with the most advanced hypnosis techniques that are appropriate for you and your issue.

Please contact me if you would like an informal chat before booking an appointment or to ask any further questions you may have.