How toxic are you ?

How toxic are you ?

The liver is the most hard working organ in the body with over 500 roles., not only does it protect us from the environment  it

  • It stores  nutrients and vitamins such as Vitamin A 
  • Production of blood cells carried out here
  • Contains cells that help us fight infection
  • Most importantly helps us with digestion and the building of tissue and muscle
  • A major role is to Filter toxins which are produced by the body such as hormones and bacteria

For the Liver to function properly  it removes toxins from our body  which uses essential nutrients, antioxidants , vitamins and minerals.  The way it does this depends on our genetic disposition and lifestyle. So if lifestyle and diet is poor and exposed to too many toxins , the liver becomes overworked, congested it then is unable to eliminate these toxins from the body effectively. This toxic overload can lead to pressure on the bodies response to deal with and this is then thought to have a major  reason for susceptibility to certain diseases.


Symptoms and conditions that can be linked to toxic overload  which is linked to environmental toxicity

Abnormal pregnancy,atherosclerosis, Broad mood swings, Cancer, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Chronic depression, Contact dermatitis, fatigue, Fertility problems, Fibromyalgia, Headaches, Sensitivity, joint pain, kidney dysfunction,Learning disorders, memory loss, Mineral imbalances, Chemical sensitivity, Muscle pain and weakness, Recurrent yeast infection, panic attacks, Parkinson disease, tinnitus, unusual response to medications,

To help you reduce toxicity

  • Choose organic when possible on foods such as milk, cheese, eggs, yogurts and meats
  • Reduce the amount of mercury contaminated fish such as-swordfish, tuna,
  • Filter your tap water
  • Avoid plastic bottles, containers with the numbers 3,6,7 on the bottom.  as the plastic can leak into food or drinks
  • Buy juices in plastic bottles
  • Do not microwave using plastic containers
  • do Not leave water bottles in the car in direct sunlight
  • Minimise use of clingfilm
  • House hold products as natural as possible
  • Avoid pesticide, and herbicides
  • Hair products to be sodium, barabens sulphate  free
  • Avoid perfumes that have synthetic fragrances
  • Low toxin makeup and sun-cream

To and assist the liver in making sure it is working properly and giving it all the right materiuals to keep it functioning optimally is dealing with these exposure to toxins on a daily basis



Food to aid the liver

  • Crusiferous vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, water cress and cabbage
  • Eat high quality proteins, such as pulses, nut sand  seeds
  • Wholegrain rice and quinoa
  • Eating antioxidant rich foods  which are vibrant in colour such as fruits and vegetables and berries

Foods to avoid

  • Caffeine, fizzy drinks such as cola , lemonade,
  • Sugar
  • Food additives
  • Alcohol

Nutrients to aid the liver

Antioxidants Vitamin A,C,E, in combination with selenium, Zinc

Bioflavoids– these are a powerful antioxidant

Diindolylmethane. These are found in cruciferous veg, and aids the  metabolism of hormones

Co-enzyme Q10-found in fresh meat and fish which is important in the release of energy in the cells.

Amino acids-A major detoxification  role and the building blocks of protein


Milk thistle-Producing liver cells, and compounds that protect the liver

Turmeric-Helps eliminate toxins from the environment

Green tea extract. Catechins from green tea though to boost liver detoxification. potent antioxidant


Incleanse canhelp you get on the right track and aid in the elimination of toxins by following a detox programme

Colonic Hydrotherapy